Sunday, June 24, 2012

Film Crew Visits Me at My Internship


I woke up on time and went to work this morning. Recently I haven’t felt too rushed to get to work and I’ve gotten into a routine of when I need to leave from the house and from work. The WKU film crew visited me at the hotel while I was working. I wasn’t doing any interesting work so they only stayed to film for about 20 or 30 minutes. The majority of my time was spent making phone calls to other companies in Europe so they got some exciting footage of me dialing a phone and talking. I spent about 5 hours on the phone doing that type of work, I had a few other tasks to do on the computer but the main thing today was phone calls. It was pretty cold outside and the rain came through at random times so it wasn’t a good day to do anything after work. I went home and had some time to relax. Rasma’s son Marcus was back home and we all got to eat dinner together. We ate raclette which is a form of cheese that’s heated and we put it on grilled potatoes; along with that we had some asparagus and roasted garlic mushrooms. I enjoy having dinners with everyone and we watched the 3rd Home Alone movie afterwards. It was a good day today. It seems like I relax a lot but the majority of my time is spent working on something either for my internship or class. I still feel like I get enough traveling in and that I’m able to accomplish what I need to get done.

Making raclette

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